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Ur mom

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  • Loser Lana !!!
  • Omg look at what she’s wearing. Who does she think she is?
  • Nothing but a scrawny little nerd. Loser! Ha
  • Maybe their right? What was I thinking wearing this
  • I’m so sorry, please don’t hurt me! It’ll never happen again
  • Oops sorry…. better watch where you’re walking loser!
  • Watch it twat. My father bought me these shoes for my birthday, you better of not ruined them!
  • We should say something to those bullies
  • Yeah, we can’t just watch this happen!
  • good idea Alessia! Ha she should watch her back!
  • She’s such a weirdo lmao! We should teach her a lesson!
  • This is our chance to say something! We can’t be bystanders
  • Yeah, it’s not okay and we can’t just watch this happen!
  • You guys need to cut it out now! What do you get out of being so mean?
  • Do you know how mean you guys are being? It’s actually sad that you need to put others down to bring yourself up.
  • Ugh your right. What we were doing was wrong and I’ll never do it again. I’m going to apologise when I see Lana next.
  • Well I feel bad now but It’s not like we can un-say it anyways can we?
  • No but you can apologise! Treat people how you want to be treated… I wonder what your parents will think of this.
  • ____________
  • Oh no, what are they going to do now??
  • Ahhhh sure?
  • Hey Lana, can we speak with you?
  • Yeah! It’s not okay what they are doing!
  • This is our chance to stand up. We can’t just be bystanders!
  • Well no. But what you can do is apologise! Imagine if you were in that position!
  • oh no. What are they going to do now?
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