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Parvana's story

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Parvana's story
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  • Parvana’s hair blows in the wind, she feels free but she still has that sick lingering feelng of thought that her mother and siblings could be gone forever. She can tell her father feels the same way. He’s smiling but she can tell it is fake.
  • Parvana looks in the distance, there is a black figure moving really fast towards the car. It comes closer and closer, the car is going so fast and it is coming right towards them. They brace themselves for a crash. Parvana squeezes her father's arm really tightly, she closes her eyes wishing for this to be a bad dream. All of a sudden she falls to the ground, Parvana opens her eyes and she sees that they did not crash into the car but they must have swerved off to the side and hit a sand bank. She gets up as fast as she can. Pain fills up in her right leg and she realizes that she must have hurt her ankle in the crash; however she doesnt care at all about it because her father is the most of her concerns. She sprints over to her father to see if he is alright. His arm got a little beat up in the crash that's all. A wave of relief rushes over Parvana. At least he wasn't hurt that badly. 
  • Parvana’s father's arm is fine. It could be better but it is fine but at the moment it was the least of they’re problems. They were stuck in the middle of the desert with no food or water plus they didn't have a car. They start to look for the drivers but they are nowhere to be found which definitely does not help the situation. All they know is that Mazar is north so they start walking north. 
  • They have some sense of direction but they feel lost after walking for hours. Parvana is sooo thirsty and hungry. Her dad tells her stories; it is calming for her it reminds her of home. They walk for hours and finally they see a destroyed village in the distance.
  • Parvana gets really excited but then she sees the hundreds of wounded people in the village. This must be Mazar, she thinks. “We should go and see if your siblings and your mother are there”. Parvana’s father says he looks very worried.
  • They through the village, trying to find their family. They look into this old house, it looks like people haven't lived there for years. There is furniture scattered everywhere, the wallpaper is peeling they go in to the back room just to check if anyone is there and then they hear a high pitched scerm.
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