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WHAT is Canada Day?
WHEN is it celebrated?
WHERE is it celebrated?
WHY is it a holiday?
HOW do people celebrate?
Canada Day is called Canada's Birthday. It is the anniversary of July 1, 1867, when Canada became a Dominion of Great Britain instead of a colony. Canada adopted its current constitution and thus officially “became a country.”
Canada Day is observed annually on July 1st.
If July 1st falls on a Sunday, the holiday is legally observed on July 2nd.
While Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Yukon Territory, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, and Nunavut joined the confederationlater, Canada Day is celebrated nationwide.
July 1, 1867: The British North America Act (today known as the Constitution Act, 1867) createdCanada.As aBritishdominion,Canadawas no longer a colony and free to create its own laws, constitution and parliament.
Canadians typically enjoy outdoor parades, carnivals, festivals, barbecues, air and maritime shows, fireworks, and free musical concerts on Canada Day!
Canada Day Facts
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North America
July 1, 1867
(Constitution Act)