A Night Divided centers on the plight of twelve year old Gerta who is separated from half of her family in 1965 due to the Berlin Wall. It is a fast-paced, thrilling novel that will keep students on the edge of their seat while they gain a deeper understanding of the Cold War and a greater empathy for those that lived through it on all sides.
Students can create a movie poster for A Night Divided to demonstrate how well they understand the main themes and atmosphere of a story.
Storyboard Text
Gerta is in a race against time to make her dangerous escape through the Berlin Wall to be reunited with her family.
The thrilling movie adaptation of Jennifer A. Nielsen's Award Winning Novel
A Night Divided
A Night Divided
"Edge-of-your-seat entertainment that also enlightens audiences about the devastating cost many Berliners paid for freedom." - History Movies 4 Kids