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  • One day, Ice Bear and Oscar have met and they had share their stories to each other.
  • Our home is melting. I can see that icebergs are slowly decreasing due to melting. Sea levels are rising and I'm getting hot in the weather right now. I'm not comfortable to this.
  • I see. I'm also worried that our colony is slowly depleted.  We no longer knew where we would live. We are surrounded by predators everywhere. I think this will be the end of our existence.
  • This is too much bad for us. I don't know why is this happening to us all we know is that we are living here peacefully. I wanna know why and what's the cause all of this.
  • Animals like us can't do such things like this, I think those two-legged with such weird stuffs on their body are the reason behind it, they're called humans. 
  • Humans?! What about them? How can they be the reason all of this iceberg melting, decreasing population and hot temperature? 
  • Yes. Haven't you notice that one of the major consequence of their doings is the climate change and that is why we are greatly affected by them. They create fires, emits excessive carbon dioxide.
  • Because of the rampant activities caused by humans, many species will become endangered and some are possibly become extinct. 
  • We've got to hold on. Maybe there's somebody who will help us.
  • I'm scared. He's already near to us. 
  • Seems like I'm having a delicious dinner tonight. Hmmmm... 
  • This is terrible! If humans are continually doing their bad works and not be able to control themselves. How come we experience high temperature? How does it happen?
  • The trappings of the heat in the Earth's atmosphere and stopping it from leaking it back to space will totally results to global warming. That is why, as you can see melting and higher temperature are swarming all over the world and this could be the biggest conflict we ever have until the next generation.
  • Oh. I see, Now I know, I hope they think to stop doing it. We really can't control the nature but humans can control their intention of breaking the law of nature. I believe that what goes around comes back around.
  • Yes, you're right Ice Bear. The truth is, we never know what uncertainties lies ahead of us..... maybe misery I guess.
  • END
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