Lily’s Crossing is a historical fiction novel set in 1944 in New York during World War II. The story is told from the perspective of a young girl named Lily, whose life and the lives of those around her are changed by the war. Lily’s Crossing is a beautifully written story about the importance of honesty, family, and friendship.
When Lily's best friend Margaret moves away, she thinks she will be alone all summer. When she meets Albert, a Hungarian refugee, she thinks he's strange. However, their friendship grows throughout the story, proving that first impressions aren't always what they seem.
I miss Ruth so much.
Throughout the novel, Lily tells many lies. When one of her lies gets so big that it becomes dangerous and Albert almost drowns, Lily learns how wrong and horrible lying is.
Lily and Albert have both lost family members. The value of family is evident throughout the story, as it is both Lily's and Albert's mission to get their loved ones home from a war-torn Europe safely.
Lily's Crossing: Themes
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