Who was targeted during the Holocaust?
What was the Holocaust?
Where did the Holocaust occur?
When was the Holocaust?
Why did the Holocaust occur?
Anyone who was not Aryan was targeted, such as the Romani, handicapped, political prisoners, and Jewish people. Hitler and his followers believed that the Jews were to blame for World War I and the financial strain that followed in Germany.
The Holocaust was the systemic persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime, led by Adolf Hitler.
The Holocaust took place all over Europe in over 20 German-occupied countries such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. The most well known concentrationcamps and extermination camps, such as Auschwitz and Belzec, were located in Poland.
The Holocaust technically becan when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. It ended when World War II was over, in May of 1945.
Adolf Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party, believed that the best race was the Aryan race. He wanted to rid Europe of all people who were not a part of the master race.
5 Ws: The Holocaust
By Lauren Ayube
By Lauren Ayube