”Harrison Bergeron”, the short story penned by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in 1961, imagines the world in 120 years, where the government has taken complete control over free thought and complete equality has finally been achieved – at a price, of course.
Harrison Bergeron Themes, Symbols, and Motifs | Identify and illustrate different themes, symbols, and motifs that are found in Harrison Bergeron and how they impact the story
Storyboard Text
The handicaps are assigned to people who go above the threshold of “normal”, according to the government. They perpetuate the idea of “sameness”, providing a feeling of safety so people don't have to compete, think, or feel and government remains in control.
The ballerinas are assigned handicaps, including masks to hide differences. As George watches them, it comes to him that perhaps they shouldn’t be handicapped. They are so clumsy and hindered by their handicaps that his mind instinctively understands something isn’t right.
TV is the propaganda machine of the government. After watching her son’s murder on live television, Hazel can't remember why she is upset. She knows something she saw on the TV was sad but not that what she saw was a real experience. The TV has control over her life and mind.