Constantine the Great shifted Roman religion from polytheism to monotheism, initiating the Christianization of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD. Learn more about him and other influential people, authors, scientists, and more from around the world!
Constantine the Great shifted Roman religion from polytheism to monotheism, initiating the Christianization of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD. Constantine was victorious in several civil wars, became the sole Emperor of the Roman Empire, built many churches—including the Hagia Sophia—and instituted new laws in the name of the Christian God.
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CONSTANTINE Constantine the Great shifted Roman religion from polytheism to monotheism, initiating the Christianization of the Roman Empire in the 4th century AD. Constantine was victorious in several civil wars, became the sole Emperor of the Roman Empire, built many churches—including the Hagia Sophia—and instituted new laws in the name of the Christian God.
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