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Origin of Halloween

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Origin of Halloween
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  • Hey mom since Halloween is coming up, I have been wondering how did it start?
  • That's a great question, how about I take you on a trip and we can go find out! We can start at the Church in Rome!
  • Hello Pope Gregory III, my daughter here was wondering how Halloween started!
  • I commanded that all Saints are to be celebrated throughout the entire Church and so the holy day will spread to Ireland. Therefore, I moved it too November 1st.
  • Hello! My daughter here asked me about the origin of Halloween. Can you teach her about what tradition came to be in Ireland?
  • Dia dhuit! Welcome to Ireland! Here us Irish Catholic peasants were worried about the unfortunate souls in hell. It has become a tradition to bang pots and pans, so they know they are not left out
  • Mom! Why are we in France! What does this have to do with Halloweens origin?
  • Actually, France is where the custom of dressing up came from. At first France dressed up on All Souls day, but when French and Irish began to intermarry they began to come together!
  • Right over here in England trick or treat was created. Foolish and reckless acts took place and a guy named Guy Fawkes was arrested. So, the English made November 5th Guy Fawkes Day, where people would demand a treat so they did not trick.
  • So, were all of these traditions put together to form Americas Halloween?
  • Yup, you are right! Guy Fawkes Day was brought over to America, by the time of the Revolution had been forgotten. Trick or treat was too fun and was moved to October 31st, the day of the Irish French Masquerade.
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