"Ha, ha! Well, a lot of kids play in here. You tell folks to go slow and they're liable to forget. But let 'em hit that bump once and don't forget."
The Joads arrive at the Weed Patch Camp.
The first morning in Weed Patch Camp.
The Farmers' Association.
I been paying you thirty cents an hour, but the Bank of the West told the Farmers' Association the pay rate is now twenty-five cents.
"We've give you good work. You said so yourself."
Using toilets for the first time.
"Them's the toilets. I seen 'em in the catalog."
Ma gets ready to meet the Ladies' Committee.
Rosasharn, stand up straight and get ready for the Ladies' Committee.
I'm going to throw up because I'm pregnant.
A woman tells Rosasharn that dancing is sin.
"This here was sin an' delusion an' devil stuff, struttin' an' parapdin' an' speakin' like they're somebody the ain't. An' dancin' an' clutchin' an huggin',"
Oh, I'm so sad as I love to dance.
Unit Number Four is using too much toilet paper!
"We got our troubles with toilet paper.""Somebody's a-stealin' it."
My five girls et' green grapes and got the skitters.
Lookin' for work.
No help wanted!
Do you know where there is any work?
Climb in the back and we can look for work together.
No help wanted.No trespassing.
You're goin' to hell!
"You're hell-burnin' sinners, all of you! An' I'll mention it in metin', too. I can see your black soul a-burnin'. I can see that inncoent child in that there girl's belly a-burnin',"
"Git! Don' you never come back."
Breakin' the news to Ma that there was no work.
"No.""We looked,"
"Git work?"
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