Hi Chloe, sure i would love to chat we have not seen each other in a long time
So Emily, what do you think about reducing water pollution?
treating industrial sewage and wastewater before releasing it into the environment. In water treatment plants, sewage goes through a number of chambers and chemical processes to reduce its toxicity. Improving and maintaining sewage treatment systems prevents leakage of waste into water systems.hello, i think that we have been facing a lot of sewage - dirty water from homes and factories and the only way we might be able to fix that is if we
Ok sure
Ok now lets go see what other people think about this topic
seeing each other after a long time
Oh hello molly, can i please ask for your opinion about water pollution
ok thank you molly for helping us and we will try our best to help reduce water pollution
There are many ways to reduce waste in an industrial setting. Waste minimisation includes any source reduction and/or recycling activity undertaken by a waste generator hi, of course, now we have been facing a lot of oil spills from ships or leakage from boats, but there is a solution and that is:
Talking about water pollution
ok thank you Tina for your opinion and we will try our best to fix that
hey molly, can we have your opinions about water pollution please?
hello Emily and Chloe, we face a lot of Chemicals from factories and other industrial activities, the solution to that is: Vessel maintenance:• Tighten bolts on your engine to prevent oil leaks. Bolts can shake loose with engine use.• Replace cracked or worn hydraulic lines and fittings before they fail. Lines can wear out from sun and heat exposure or abrasion.• Outfit your engine with an oil tray or drip pan. • Create your own bilge sock out of oil absorbent pads to prevent oily water discharge. At the pump:• Avoid overflows while refuelling by knowing the capacity of your tank and leaving some room for fuel expansion.• Shut off your bilge pump while refuelling.• Use an absorbent pad or a fuel collar to catch drips.• If spills do happen, it’s important that boaters manage them effectively. Spills should immediately be contained and cleaned up with absorbent pads or boomed to prevent their spread.
Going to ask people what they think about water pollution
Yes i 100% agree with you Chloe because all these bad things are happening and we should start spreading awareness so people are more careful
So Emily, i think that we should really start spreading awareness by proposing a one day of informative lecture where I can invite people and take them through about the water pollution and emphasis on the solutions.
Asking molly what she thinks of water pollution
Asking Tina what she thinks about water pollution
Discussing about how to spread the awareness
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