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Relationship between Heredity and Variation in reproducing Biological System

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Relationship between Heredity and Variation in reproducing Biological System
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Name: Ashley Jeda P. Trongco Reference: Hickman (2008). Integrated Principles of Zoology. 14th Ed. McGraw Hill Companies Inc.

Storyboard Text

  • At each level of the biological hierarchy, living forms reproduce to generate others like themselves.
  • Reproduction  Organisms reproduce, sexually or asexually to produce new organisms
  • Reproduction at each level shows the phenomena of Heredity and Variation
  • What is Heredity?  - faithful transmission of traits from parents to offspring via genes.
  • Heredity explains why offspring resemble, but not identical to their parents and it is a unifying biological principle.
  • What is Variation?  - production of differences among the traits of different individuals.
  • Each gene can have several variants, called alleles, which code for the different variants of the trait.
  •  Organismal Reproduction demonstrates both Heredity and variation
  • In a reproductive process, properties of descendants resemble those of their parents to varying degrees but usually are not identical to them.
  • If Heredity were perfect, living systems would never change; if variation were uncontrolled by heredity, biological systems would lack the stability that allow them to persist through time.
  •  Interaction of Heredity and Variation in the reproductive process is the basis for organic revolution.
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