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middle ages

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  • charlemagne takes over
  • 2nd wave invasion
  • feudalism and manorialism
  • After the fall of western roman empire it turned to chaos but when charlemagne took control of the frank empire it changed. With thr frank empire under the control of charlemagne he converts the kingdom to christianity and gains the support of the catholic church he is able to turn it from a kingdom to and empire that unite europe once again. with his influence spreading across europe it also spread christianity along with it,
  • After the death of charlemange his empire fell due to having now heir to the throne and his empire being divided. With the subsequent falling of his empire there was another wave of invasion from muslums vikings and mangolins. with the invasions people lost faith in kings and looked to nobility for protection.
  • With the subsequent invasion and distrust for king and looking for nobility for protection so fuedalism and manorialism came to be so that peasent are able to serve the nobility and gain protection. Under feudalism with more land came more power and so more people came for protection. under feudalism the land that the nobility controlled was self sufficient and could with the pesent being at the bottom and making a growing most of the items used while the knights protected the land with mobility and king being at the top
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