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4.06 summative comic assignment

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4.06 summative comic assignment
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for english class - april 2021

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  • Yes.
  • Whats happening? 
  • Y-yes.
  • So does everyone understand?
  • CLASS AGENDAgo over last weeks test questionsnew lesson
  •  23 35 755 7
  • JESSICA S.V MATH TEST 4-17-2015
  •  27/ 49 3.7 .79 6/ 17
  • 3 7
  •  Below the question...
  • Whatever... I don't care anyways. 
  • Today, I will be handing back your test to review and see what we can improve on...
  • TEST SCORE:6 / 10
  • Great.
  • You have to understand...this would benefit you...
  • Since I could remember, when I was younger I never understood math. It was a subject I always struggled on, and never really cared about trying to become better at it. I left it alone and overlooked at it.
  • I would get really low scores on test, usually below the grade level requirement. Everything was just a blur-something I would avoid often as I could.
  • 1. Sam went to....... 65 inches 75 inches 12.7 inches 89 inches
  • correct  ..........
  • Overall score: 9/10
  • As time went on things started to feel worse, I felt guilty of how I was still behind. I was able to improve my grades, but it still was below passing grade level.
  • It's all good now. I am able to understand math concept more easily now. I even get straight A's :)
  • Around the time of middle school I had also moved in with my new parent for a couple of years now. We would often have talks about my grades and how important math is.  The concern I was falling behind went to being enrolled into a math tutor.
  • From that year and on things were going in the right direction. It was like color started coming back. The tutoring had let me build a sturdy foundation on the most part.
  • It was all good to the point I had a choice to keep on going with tutoring or leave it. I agreed to no longer go to the math tutor anymore, I was able to use the study habits from what they had taught me to my school work.
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