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Resim Öznitelikleri:

Setting Sun At Worli Sea Face ( - Swami Stream - Lisans: Attribution (

Gangaikondacholapuram Temple,Tamilnadu,India ( - Nithi clicks - Lisans: Attribution (

Industry never sleeps ( - D Schwarz Photography - Lisans: Attribution (

Java ~ Hindu Temple ~ Prambanan ( - VasenkaPhotography - Lisans: Attribution (

Cannon at Starfort, Ninety Six, SC ( - zenjazzygeek - Lisans: Attribution (

Collapse of the Mughal Empire

Sepoy Rebellion

Struggles with Westernization

The British Crown Takes Over

British East India Company

The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb caused instability in India. He created oppressive policies against Hindus. The result was a weakened, divided India that Britain could exploit.

The British hired local Indians as soldiers called Sepoys. Poor treatment by British commanders led to a Sepoy Revolt. The result was a bloody confrontation that prompted Britain to ramp up their control .

Reformers like Ram Mohan Roy tried to convince Indians that some of their older customs needed to be reformed. These ideas were very difficult to accept.

After the Sepoy Rebellion, the British government decided to take more direct control over India. The government feared losing control over the Jewel in the Crown of their empire.

In the early 17th century, the British East India Company established themselves in India. They soon became the most powerful political force in India.

How did India become part of the British Empire?


Eastern World

Western World

British East India Company

This Hindu Temple can not be repaired!

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