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  • On a bright sunny day in the laboratory, Dr. Scarlettanna is working on a machine to cure his rare disease that weakens his body. Dr. Scarlettana didn't have a test subject so he chose his nephew for the experiment. His nephew Saylor doesn't want to help him out considering it's very dangerous.
  • No uncle John! I don't want to die from your dangerous stuff
  • Saylor Please just help me out...I'll give you anything
  • Dr. Scarlettanna is frustrated so he decides to grab Saylor by the neck and force him inside the machine. Within 10 seconds the machine has gone rapid with particles flying out everywhere, and eventually the machine exploded killing Dr. Scarlettanna.
  • As Saylor was walking towards his school he had a tingling sensation on his arm. With a few seconds in his whole body rocks back and his eyes are colorful like a rainbow, he's able to see himself in the 3rd person point of view. Saylor saw the same boy in his dream walking across the street so he ran towards the boy and saved him.
  • Saylor became popular because of the camera on the building filming his save the little boy. Saylor became viral on everything TikTok, Instagram, Youtube and many more. At school people would talk to him about what he had done.
  • This kid is a hero
  • Two Government agents knocked on his door to tell him he could work with them and earn millions. Saylor made his choice, they made him tell the future about wars and upcoming events. The problem is every time Saylor tells the future he gets an injury in his body. At first it was a splinter but now it leads to broken bones.
  • Yes sir...I know it's in my contract but my arm is broken and im tired of helping you guys
  • I don't give a damn if you got a broken arm your still gonna help us
  • One day Saylor couldn't take the pain of looking into the future and getting seriously hurt, so he stopped. The next day the Sergeant was furious since Saylor refused to see. The whole government team were trying to make Saylor speak by threatening to kill his family. Saylor knew they were bluffing but he saw the future was an attack on the government supposedly there was a bomb hidden in the vents everywhere from another enemy base. Saylor saw that future and the time everything would explode is in 5 minutes. The sergeant asked what did he see but he said There's an enemy attack but i'm not saying where. The sergeant got really pissed and told his team to check every camera on the surveillance system. The whole government team was freaking out whether to believe what Saylor said or to protect their base. Minutes were passing by quickly with workers palms sweaty and one more thing..... not only were the bombs in the vents but the enemy base hacked their alarm system. The base is now on lockdown with everyone in shock but not Saylor in fact Saylor was happy to be free for only a short period of time. In the future for Saylor he saw himself freaking out and trying to stop the bombs but died. Now Saylor is accepting the fact that he should let things happen for a reason and to not mess up fate. With 15 seconds left Saylor looks at the Sergeant and says Isn't this beautiful I can now lay down and live with peace the Sergeant grabbed Saylor by his shoulders furiously and said You better STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!. In the last 5 seconds Saylor looked at the Sergeant for his last final breath and said This is our fate and everything in the base exploded killing off every worker including Saylor himself. Thats where the story ends with a traumatic point of view learning to accept things as it is.
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