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Digestive System

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Digestive System
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  • Yay!
  • Yipee!
  • Good morning class! Today we will be learning about the digestive system.
  • Yay!
  • The digestive system is what breaks down the food that you eat. It begins at your mouth and ends at your anus.
  • Sir, what is the digestive system?
  • Lets start with molecules, molecules are a group of two or more atoms that form a very, very tiny unit.
  • In the digestive system, large food molecules are broken down into smaller ones.
  • What happens to the even smaller molecules?
  • The new smaller molecules are then absorbed into the bloodstream to make proteins and other important liquids for the body.
  • Does anyone know what mechanical and chemical digestion is?
  • Mechanical digestion is a physical process that makes the food smaller. It involves chewing and tounge movements that helps break down food into smaller bits. 
  • Chemical digestion is the breakdown of different nutrients. Your body does this without you noticing.
  • Here is a visual representation of the digestive system. 
  • You can see the salivary gland at the top, which leads on to the oesophagus and stomach.  This is the liver on the left which is right next to the gallbladder. Here is the pancreas which sits underneath the stomache. And finally the thick tube is the large intestine, the smaller tube on the inside is the small intestine, and the rectum is at the bottom. 
  • Wow!
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