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  • OOOOH!! so scary, guys for the last time there are no such things as ghosts , but that scream was a bit weird
  • No way Mr Alfred we ain't staying here in this dark camp with no one to look after us. We are coming with you are responsible for us........ so we comin with ya.
  • That sounded like a shriek coming from within the forest.
  • YEA.....what she said.
  • Guys, what if it is the HAUNTER that has come back looking for his missing face 
  • Fine, but stick close together and DO NOT WANDER OFF or get seperated
  • Well, whatever that sound was, it was not that far, I think I should venture into the forest and check it out, you kids stay here and wait for my arrival
  • The shriek came form this cave
  • Well, who ever is screaming is going to need a strepsils cause their throat is gonna get soar from all this screamin
  • I don't know how, it is a GIFT BY GOD TO STAY CALM AT ALL TIMES ......k?
  • Enough chitchatting guys, let's get inside that cave.
  • Suuuure thing..........
  • How can you be so calm at a time like this, some ones life might be in danger 
  • Yes,, there was neven any HAUNTER , it was all just a myth made by me....... you see, many many years ago, during the American Civil War, Colonel Higgins of the American Army had fled from the British for spying on them... now the British were hot on his trail and since he did not have any weapons or support, he thought of hiding in the Transalvanian forest, The Colonel knew that now his time was up, that eventually the British would catch up and get him, so at the last moments of his life Colonel Higgins hid a very valuable piece of jewellry which is known as "THE CRYPT OF TEARS" which was stolen from Ancient Mesopotamia by Spanish conquerors. After some years, the crypt of tears was lost at sea and was found lying on the shore on the beach by Colonel Higgins. It is said that he hid the Crypt of Tears here in this very campsite and it is said that the Crypt of Tears, which was a beautiful green emerald which a gold lining and a diamond at the centre of the emerald with 24-karat gold keychain to be worth at least three million dollars,and I knew that if I found it I was to be very rich, but you kids had to come in my way. I COULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU MEDDLING KIDS!!!
  • Kids, stay close, who knows what is lurking these caves. BATS, ANIMALS, anything so stay close 
  • Well I ain't going anywhere else 
  • Whoever lives here needs a makeover, and pest control. EWWW, there are worms in here
  • NOICE, sick cave, who ever lives here must be a daredevil to be living in such a dark and creepy place. 
  • WOAHHHHH, this cave is huge, plus dark.
  • I think they are unconscious. Someone must have kidnapped them and brought them to the cave 
  • O-o-k, I take it back, ghosts are real........ that means everything else might be real, like bigfoot and vampires.....woah, I have a lot to think about now....................WELL THIS SUCKS!!!
  • Hey look, there is Ms. Cherry and Mr. Redford lying on the ground
  • LOOK!!!, there is the HAUNTER..... he is real, HA, suck it Robert.
  • Even if ghosts are real, we have to stop him and save my colleagues, who are also my friends. He is outnumbered by 5to1. Here is the plan
  • Now Max, let go of the ball!!!
  • Thanks for saving us.
  • We got the HAUNTER, you know, this is amazing and scary at the same time.... I am going to tell everyone but no one will believe us but still it is going to be great to have a adventure of a lifetime 
  • OHHHH.
  • Can we remove the hoodie now and see who this HAUNTER guy really is.... myth or real..... I wanna know 
  • I gotta be honest, I really thought that this camp trip was going to be boooring, but it really had a turn of fun, exciting and creepy events and I actually liked the trip.
  • The HAUNTER'S coming towards us.
  • It would be my pleasure
  • Huh, so there never was any ghost after all
  • Well, these meddling kids just solved a crime I feel like sherlock Holmes
  • Wait, so Ms. Namagachi is the HAUNTER, so there was never any legend of a dead man or any of that.
  • SHHH
  • Take her away Redford 
  • Ms. Namagachi!!
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