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  • what's up bro. have you heard, ivermectin can cure covid!
  • what?! are you serious?
  • Yeah, a famous celebrity promoted it in his twitter post. His congressman dad is also apparently  pushing for it.
  • bro, that's suspicious. ivermectin is for parasites and covid aint no parasite. is there an evidence that can prove it?
  • there's no clinical trial, he just said that it's effective because his friends apparently recovered after taking ivermectin.
  • bro, don't believe everything a celebrity is saying, if there's no evidence don't take it as a fact.
  • oh no, I've already told my family and friends about it. They might believe it.
  • You are spreading Misinformation! you could get arrested for that.
  • really?! I should immediately tell them not to believe it.
  • That's for the best, remember this as a lesson for the future.
  • Thanks bro, you've helped so much!
  • it was nothing mate. Just don't spread unverified information in the future.
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