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Frida Kahlo part.2

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Frida Kahlo part.2
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  • Meeting with Leon Trotsky (annexe)
  • Frida, I love you !
  • Today we are November 7, 1937 and it's your birthday Leon!
  • For Leon Trotsky, I dedicate this painting with all my love ...
  • Meeting with André Breton
  • what a lovely woman
  • Hello !
  • Hello my dear friends, welcome to Mexico!
  • Bye Frida, I'll miss you !
  • “The boat and the quay and the departure which little by little made you tiny in my eyes, prisoners of this round porthole, which you looked at to keep me in your heart. All of this is intact. Then came the virgin days of you. Today, I would like my sun to touch you. I tell you that your little girl is my little girl, the puppet characters arranged in their large glass room are for both of us ... "
  • What a lovely man ..
  • WHAT ?? !! Only 6 canvases were selected from the 27 ?? !!I'd rather sit on the floor in the Toluca market selling tortillas than have anything to do with those artistic assholes in Paris…
  • Exhibition in Paris
  • I've never seen Diego or you waste their time on this chatter stupid and intellectual discussions. Damn it ! it was worth coming here just to understand why Europe is rotting, why all these incompetents are the cause of all Hitlers and Mussolini.
  • My art has not been recognized for its fair value
  • Me your art I recognize it Frida and I love it, deeply.
  • OMG...
  • What a cramp
  • On January 9, 1937, President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río granted political asylum to Leon Trotsky in accordance with his constitutional powers. He and his wife are greeted by Frida and Diego, at the Casa Azul (the Blue House). A brief affair that is said to be passionate develops between Trotsky and Frida. At the end of this adventure, the artist offers her “affectionately” for her birthday, November 7, 1937, Self-portrait dedicated to Leon Trotsky or Between the curtains where she shows herself in her best light with a dedication.
  • Divorce and remarriage (annexe)
  • San Francisco, US
  • After remarrying Diego I started to write a journal about my life.
  • In September 1938, André Breton was sent to Mexico by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to give a series of lectures on the state of poetry and painting in Europe. With his wife Jacqueline Lamba, he is welcomed in Mexico by the Kahlo-Rivera couple. Frida Kahlo denies being surrealist. “I was taken for a surrealist. It is not fair. I never painted dreams. What I represented was my reality11. "Breton, captivated by Frida, writes: "the art of Frida Kahlo de Rivera is a ribbon around a bomb", while a true and deep friendship is forged between Frida and JacquelineAt the beginning of October 1938, Frida Kahlo presented her works in Julien Levy's gallery in New York. Half of the twenty-five works presented are sold there. During her stay, she has an affair with photographer Nickolas Muray.
  • National recognition (annexe)
  • I was even elected member of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana, an organization created by the Minister of Cultural Affairs and made up of twenty-five artists and intellectuals.
  • In 1939, Frida went to Paris for the great exhibition on Mexico organized by the Lázaro Cárdenas government at the Renou and Pierre Colle gallery. She stayed with André Breton and met the painters Yves Tanguy, Picasso and Vassili Kandinsky.She doesn't like Paris, which she finds dirty, and the food doesn't suit her; she gets colibacillosis. The exhibition displeases her: her opinion is that she "is invaded by this bunch of lunatic sons of b*tches that are the surrealists", she finds superfluous "all this crap" exposed around Mexico. On top of that, Pierre Colle's partner refuses to exhibit all of Frida's works in his gallery, he only retains 6 out of 27, shocked by the crudeness of the paintings. She hardly appreciates the look any more than A. Breton ("pretentious") focuses on her art, which she perceives as tinged with contempt and incomprehension. She consoles herself with Jacqueline, with whom she has an affair
  • A very difficult ending
  • Frida KahloMexico 1907-1954
  • In December 1938, Frida and Diego divorced. She felt great pain in her spine and contracted an acute yeast infection in her right hand. In September 1940, she went to San Francisco to be treated by Doctor Eloesser. To thank him for his care, she painted for him Self-portrait dedicated to Dr Eloesser. The painting bears in dedication: “I painted my portrait in 1940 for Dr. Eloesser, my doctor and best friend. With all my affection, Frida Kahlo. "Diego Rivera was also in San Francisco at the same time, and offered to marry Frida again. She accepts, and the second marriage takes place in San Francisco on December 8, 1940, Diego's birthday. They settle in Casa Azul in Coyoacán after the death of Frida's father.
  • Frida, you have a severe infection on your right hand, we'll do our best.
  • Diégo ?!
  • Frida ? It's really you ?
  • In 1943, I led a painting class at the Academy of Fine Arts. But my poor health forced me to teach at home. Permanent pain in my right foot and back prevented me from walking properly. I constantly had to wear an iron corset (found in The Broken Column).
  • In 1942, the artist began her diary in which she commented on her childhood. The same year, she was elected member of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana. Its mission is to encourage the dissemination of Mexican culture by organizing exhibitions, conferences and the publication of books.In 1943, Frida led a painting class at the Academy of Fine Arts. But her poor health forced her to teach at home. Permanent pain in his right foot and back prevents him from walking properly. She must wear an iron corset (found in The Broken Column).In the late 1940s, Frida Kahlo's condition worsened, and in 1950 she had to enter the ABC Hospital in Mexico City. She stayed there for nine months. His new operation on the spine is complicated by inflammation which requires a third operation. It is only after the sixth procedure (out of a total of seven) that she can resume painting, while still lying down. In the spring of 1953, photographer Lola Álvarez Bravo organized the first monographic exhibition of Frida Kahlo in Mexico. Her doctor forbidding her to get up, it is on her hospital bed that she is transported to the gallery to participate in the opening.
  • At the end of the 1940s, my health deteriorated and in 1950 I had to enter the ABC Hospital in Mexico City. I will stay there for nine months. My new spinal operation is complicated by inflammation which requires a third operation. It was only after the sixth intervention (out of a total of seven) that I could start painting again, while still lying down.
  • In August 1953, his right leg was amputated to the knee because of gangrene. This operation alleviates her suffering, but plunges her into a deep depression: “My leg was amputated six months ago which seems like centuries-old torture and a few times I almost lost my mind. I still want to kill myself. Only Diego is preventing me, because I imagine that he could miss me. He told me, and I believe him. But never in my life have I suffered more. I will wait a little longer ... "- Journal, February 1954Weakened by a serious pneumonia, Frida Kahlo died on the night of July 13, 1954, seven days after her forty-seventh birthday, officially of a pulmonary embolism.
  • “They thought I was a surrealist, but I wasn't.I never painted dreams, I painted my reality. "
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