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Everyone starts using the word "frindle" instead of pen, and the teachers are not pleased!

Nick's simple idea becomes permanent when frindle is officially added to the dictionary.

It all started with an idea...

Anything is Possible

frind ‧ dle (frin' dl) n. A device used to write or make marks with ink [arbitrary coinage; originated by Nicholas Allen, American, 1987 - (see pen)]

fringe [countable]

1 British English if you have a fringe, your hair is cut so that it hangs down over your forehead

freck‧le [countable usually plural]

freckles are small brown spots on someone's skin, especially on their face, which the sun can cause to increase in number and become darker

Frindle? What's a frindle?

You'll find out!

Math Assignment

Page 35, 1-20

Anyone have a frindle I can borrow?

I do!

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