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Neolithic Stone Age

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Neolithic Stone Age
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  • During the neolithic age, people used animals to help carry heavy burdens over long distances.
  • Okay its feeding time. Who wants a carrot?
  • and remember after eating you all have to carry these goods to another land.
  • Farmers in the neolithic age were growing corn in mexico, rice in china, and barley in isreal.
  • Father, the house we built is so cool!
  • Thank you darling.
  • The neolithic People began to build more permanent settlements in which they could live and work . these homes were built out of mud bricks , stones and sticks.
  • Wow! all of these fruits and vegetables look so tasty
  • Neolithic Age, people worked in agriculture, cultivating crops and domesticating animals.
  • Okay! I want 3 apples
  • In the Neolithic Age, trade among settlements in the Near East and Mediterranean Sea grew. Trade grows as people seek resources not in their immediate area.
  • Whoa! can I pls have one of these black rocks I will give you some apples.
  • The Neolithic Age saw advances in clothing. Instead of collecting natural materials for spinning into thread or string, humans began cultivating both plants and animals that produced the kinds of fibers that were ideal for making cloth. Cultivated flax plants were used extensively as a source of fiber to create linen. Animals included sheep and goats, whose hair and (later) wool could be woven into thread.
  • Okay!
  • Okay sheep I will give you 1 orange if you give me some wool.
  • Whoa I found so many tools. I think they might be from the neolithic stone age period!
  • Archaeologists have found polished stone ax head and chise from the Neolithic period. Such tools could be used to fashion objects from wood, bone, antler, and other hard materials.
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