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  • In 2011, I began kindergarten in Alexandria. I was excited because this was my first time going to a public school. Little did I know what was waiting for me...
  • At the time, I didn't realize it, but my teacher began to target only me for miniature problems, like sitting straight, dropping a pencil, or smiling for no reason. She would always tell me to shut up even though I hadn't said anything. I was the only black girl in my class.
  • ….what?
  • Why do you talk so much?! Be quiet for once! Nobody likes a chatterbox.
  • My teacher's words began affecting my personal life, especially when communicating with my family. My mother began to get worried, as she noticed that I was never smiling, talking, or playing with friends or family, and I became very reserved. When she would ask me about how school was, I would only say:
  • She's unfair.
  • So, how was school? How do you like your new teacher?
  • 7:00 AM
  • My mother became extremely concerned about my well-being. She talked to my dad about it, who hadn't noticed my change in demeanor and personality. She decided to go to the principal of my school to figure out what was going on.
  • What have you people done to my daughter?! Ever since she started attending this school, she refuses to smile. laugh, or talk! You people promote equality in your school's quote, but clearly you guys aren't showing any.
  • Please do not worry ma'am, we will look into this and take action if needed.
  • The principal decided to monitor the teacher's behavior by placing a counselor in there who would record any disrespectful remarks towards me. Once this happened, she slowly stopped the crude remarks.
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