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Sam's Sleep Cycle

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Sam's Sleep Cycle
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  • Sam's Sleep Cycle
  • by : Francesca Helfer PID : 6192973HE.K.C.1.1
  • description of standard : Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health (brushing teeth, adequate sleep, and cover mouth for cough and sneeze).
  • Hi mom I'm home from school
  • Welcome home kiddo! Lets go eat dinner so you can tell me about your amazing day
  • It was great mom! I did all my classwork, paid attention in class, and I even got to play soccer with my friends at recess
  • I'm so happy that you had so much energy to have a great day
  • So how was school honey?
  • Since you did all your work today and did everything you were supposed to do, you get 30 minutes of TV time before bed!
  • Yay! Thanks mom
  • Okay mister it's time for bed so that you can get a good night sleep
  • AWWW mom!! please just let me have 10 more minutes?? my show isn't over yet!!
  • I'm sorry Sam but you can' need to go to sleep
  • okay :(
  • I can't go to sleep! I want to watch my show
  • I know my mom is sleeping so she won't know if I watch more tv
  • Sam came back from school that day and told his mom about another great day he had at school!
  • This was such a good idea! I'll watch my show then go to bed and my mom will never know
  • The Next Morning....
  • I slept great mom
  • Good Morning Sam! How did you sleep?
  • That's great. Time to get ready for school please
  • Bye mom, I'll see you after school!
  • Have a nice day at school honey
  • That day after school...
  • Once it was time for Sam to go to sleep, he decided to stay up past his bedtime again!
  • So Sam decided to stay up past his bedtime every night after that...
  • I think I'll stay up every night, what's the worst that can happen??
  • 3 days later...
  • zzzzzzzzz
  • Sam's mom tried to wake him up for school but he kept sleeping
  • Good Morning Sam. It's time to for school!
  • I'm sorry mom, I'll get up now to go to school. I'm just a little tired that's all
  • come on its time to wake up sweetie
  • bye mom
  • hmmm...I wonder why he's so tired
  • Does anyone know the answer??
  • Meanwhile at school...
  • zzzzzzzzzz
  • Sam??...Sam?? Wake up please!
  • zzzzzzzzzzz
  • What's wrong Sam?
  • I'm sorry Mrs. Greco, I guess I fell asleep
  • At Recess...
  • No...I'm too tired to play right now
  • Hey Sam! Do you want to come and play soccer with us??
  • While all of Sam's friends were playing and having fun at recess. He was too tired and fell asleep again!
  • hmmm I'm going to call his parents to let them know what's going on with Sam
  • Hi Mrs. Smith, this is Sam's teacher and I wanted to tell you that Sam keeps falling asleep all the time
  • It looks like he has no energy at all
  • Thank you for letting me know Mrs. Greco, I'll talk to him to see what's going on
  • After school...
  • Hi Sam how was scho- Sam?? Are you sleeping??
  • That's it..I am taking you to the doctor!
  • Hi Doctor, I brought Sam because he's been falling asleep all the time. During class, at recess, and while he's eating dinner and I don't know why
  • Hi Mrs. Smith, what seems to be the problem?
  • No, I've been staying up past my bedtime every night to watch tv while my mom is sleeping
  • Sam have you been getting enough sleep lately?
  • A little boy needs at least 8 hours of sleep in order to grow and to have energy for every day. If you don't get enough sleep then you won't be able to pay attention in school or play with your friends. Sleep is important!
  • I'm sorry, you're right. I can't keep staying up all night
  • I'm sorry I lied to you mom and I'm sorry I haven't been sleeping, I promise I'll go to sleep early so that I can be healthy and energized!
  • It's okay Sam, now you know how important sleep is for you!
  • THE END :)
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