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Leimattu: Rasismi, Antirasismi ja Sinä: Lainaus

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Leimattu: Rasismi, Antirasismi ja Sinä: Lainaus
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Storyboard Text

  • Lainaus leimatusta: Rasismi, antirasismi ja sinä kirjoittanut JASON REYNOLDS JA IBRAM X. KENDI
  • Reynolds and Kendi shine a light upon the great contradiction that is the third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson, who spoke of liberty, wrote that each of us are born with inalienable rights and that "All Men Are Created Equal", and even denounced slavery in some of his writings. Yet Jefferson owned more than 600 slaves in his lifetime and profited from their forced labor and human trafficking.
  • "When it came to Black people, Jefferson's whole life was one big contradiction, as if he were struggling with what he knew was true and what was supposed to be true."
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