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Medieval Times

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Medieval Times
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  • Pope
  • King/Queen
  • Lords and Ladies
  • The pope is the top clergy. He had a very important job. He was basically the ruler of the kingdom, even though the king is supposed to be. He had more power because the church ruled most of the kingdom.
  • Knights
  • The king was the supposed ruler of a kingdom, but the pope basically took over that job. The king would divide his kingdom into sections, and give them to lords. The lords would divide the land they had into feifs, and giving to people like barons. The queen was merely the kings wife.
  • Merchants/Tradesmen
  • The lords and ladies were people who received land from the king and divided it up into feifs. They were very important. Without them, the kingdom could fall apart.
  • Peasants/Serfs
  • The knights were hired by barons and lords to protect their land. They swore loyalty to the baron or lord who hired them. They helped fend off attack and strongly needed in the feudal system.
  • The merchants and tradesmen where a middle class of people who traded goods between feifs and cities. They were how some places got materials. They were some of the only people in the middle class.
  • Peasants and serf are the lower class of citizens. They where hard workers who received little money. Serf where bound to a barons or a lords estate and could not leave. There lives where not very nice.
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