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Activity 2.1 - Superhero design

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Activity 2.1 - Superhero design
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  • Investigation
  • What is identity theft first of all? Identity theft is when an unauthorized party can search and have all your personal information, such as your name, address, Social Security Number (SSN), or credit card or bank account information, to then use it for their good. What they will do is to assume your identity with all this information and commit frauds or other criminal acts. There are four types of identity theft: Medical, financial, criminal, and child identity theft. Medical identity theft is when someone uses your personal information to submit fraudulent claims to a medical insurance, therefore, affecting your medical care and taxes. Financial identity theft is when the unauthorized party uses your personal information for financial gains, meaning they can steal your credit card number, the PIN, etc. Criminal identity theft is basically when the only purpose to steal other one's identity is to commit a crime and not having their names having a criminal record. Child identity theft is when someone takes a child's personal information like Social Security number, name and address, or date of birth in order to commit fraud, or receive services or benefits. In 2019 in the United States only, there were 14.4 million identity theft cases reported, and according an Identity Fraud survey made in 2020, they ended up having a 1 in every 20 people in Unite States being affected by Identity Theft. This are some of the statistics of total reports of identity theft in he United States in 2020: Georgia had 23,871 reports, Nevada had 5,816 reports, California had 73,668 reports, Florida had 37,797 reports, Texas had 45,030 reports, Illinois had 16,296 reports, new York had 24,248, Ohio had 10,268 reports, Missouri had 5,222 reports, etc. Identity theft is happening so much that it has evolved into a global issue, transcending national borders and infiltrating through very strong networks. It is a very big problem as it affects various people and it looks like it is not going to change sometime in the near future.
  • The origin
  • Name and superpower
  • Superhero suit
  • There was one guy name Flynn Espinoza. He was a very successful guy and had a great life, but one day the unexpected happened. One random hacker stole his identity and bank account information, he started loosing it all, he had a criminal record, he got fired, so he wanted to live no longer. He went to a very large volcano, but when he tried to jump the volcano erupted. He was on the side of the volcano, covered in lava, suddenly a blizzard hit him and then a lighting. All of his made him able to turn into light itself and enter electronic devices. Now he had a purpose, the purpose to not le anyone suffer what he did.
  • Situation 1
  • Flynn was thinking that if he was going to be a superhero, he needed a name. He had multiple ideas for names that had to do with being able to be light and enter electronic devices, besides, he jus discovered he can follow messages, emails, or anything or anyone. His final idea came to "The Tracker".
  • Situation 2
  • He was also thinking that superheroes always have suits and logos, so he started making sketches. His final suit looked blue to represent the light he can become into and this suit can withstand lots of electrical shocks, it can also become tiny to even a microscopic level, so he can have the suit while he is traveling through the internet. It has lightning bolts to represent how he shocks people. The logo was like that to represent anonymous people in the internet, and it has a T that stands for "The Tracker".
  • In this situation, The Tracker has a friend who just got his bank account information stolen, so The Tracker asks him if he could lend him his computer quickly. The Tracker brings the computer home and puts his suit on, he gets into the computer and manages to track the hacker. In the hacker's home, he jumps out of the tv and shocks him with lighting but only to make him unconscious, then he calls the police and leaves, with only a note left explaining things.
  • One day The Tracker was navigating the internet for fun but suddenly he sees something suspicious. He jumps out of the victim's computer and asks her if her information has just been stole, she replied confused with "Yes". He rapidly follows this information and jumps out of the criminal's tv. The criminal starts regretting everything but The Tracker still shocks him and leaves a note for the police.
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