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The Evolution Theory

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The Evolution Theory
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  • Hello Folks ! My name is CharlesDarwin, i'm a biologist and I am known for venturing the Evolution Theory.
  • Back in 1858
  • So to make it simple all of the beings on earth are related. We just gradually change over time. Evolving and keeping the attributes that will be useful for our survival such as wings for birds and legs for us humans.
  • What is the Evolution theory you ask ? Let me explain.
  • Natural selection is a phenomena where living organism adapt and change to survive.
  • Darwin's theory may have been proven correct over time, he based himself off of two things: speciation and natural selection. But now we know there's more factors.
  •  Speciation is a phenomen a that creates a new kind of an already existing plant or animal like black caiman for crocodiles.
  • Here is an exemple of natural Selection
  • The Black and white mice got taken away because their fur doesn't match the habitat and therefore there is more brown mice.
  • and here's an exemple of speciation
  • At the begining both white and brown rabbits were the same specie they lived on the same land. But since the river separated them they had to reproduce on their own. Making two different species that can't reproduce with each other
  • Like Mentionned before there's more than two factors to the evolution theory. There's Mutation and Genetic drift.
  • Mutation is when the recipe of your body is changed to create a new thing in or on you. This recipe is called DNA.
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