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The Mongols and China

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The Mongols and China
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  • I must take over China as it will bring money and Silk Road access.
  • The Mongols are on a quest to achieve one of the biggest, wealthiest, land based empires. China is next to be conquered.
  • The Mongols were extremely brutal in their takeover. Killing men, women, and children. After a long battle, northern china became occupied by the Mongols.
  • North China
  • As the Mongols moved southward, they were a little less brutal in order to spare people to work for them. During this time they also recruited more warriors for their large army.
  • South China
  • You four can stay
  • During Mongol occupation, they let their animals roam free as if they were still in their pastoral homelands. This angered the farmers as it disrupted their crops.
  • With the Mongols disregarding most Chinese culture, the natives began to be fed up with their occupation..
  • You and your people have no regard for us! You're harsh, and getting rid of everything that defines us!!
  • You're lucky to even be alive!
  • The Mongols Demise
  • In 1368, after a bout of problems among the Mongols as well as the plague, the Mongols were forced out of China.
  • Can you believe it, they're finally gone!
  • I know it's amazing! We can finally regain order!
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