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Rural-Urban Migration

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Rural-Urban Migration
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  • what are we gonna do?
  • This is the most important year of my school life and we can't even go back to school
  • We don't have enough money to repair the damaged part of our houseand buy basic supplies for the family
  • There was a tornado that has happens which caused a lot of damage in the village . The village doesn't have enough resource to help rebuild buildings and huts
  • After the tornado people were let go from their jobs and students couldn't go back to school because of the jobs and schooling,. Mr dlalmini and Mrs dlalmini both lost they jobs as being teachers and cant repair the damage that was caused . Mbali and her brother were one of the students that could not go back to school
  • Because of the damage the tornado caused on the hut the living conditions got even worse .
  • Mr dlamini got a business opptuntity in the city to be a professer of history at the university of Cape Town . Which required him to move to the urban area with his family.And Mrs Dlamini had to apply for a job and she got it.
  • Now that the Dlamini's got to the city the have the oppotuinty to get better education .
  • Now that they have moved to the city , they have better housing condtions
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