The Impact of the hundred-year war. The hundred-year war contributed to the decline of feudalism by helping to shift power from feudal lords to monarchs and to common people.
Il trade you slaves for Bean?
i guess.
Symptoms, or signs, of the plague, included fever, vomiting, fierce coughing and sneezing fits, and egg-sized swellings or bumps, called buboes.
Henry made legal reform a central concern of his reign. For example, he insisted that a jury formally accuse a person of a serious crime.
At the beginning of the Middle Ages, most trade was in luxury goods, which only the wealthy could afford. People made everyday necessities for themselves.
There was no running water in homes, and instead of bathrooms, people used outdoor privies (shelters used as toilets) or chamber pots that they emptied into nearby streams and canals
. Children played with dolls and toys, such as wooden swords, balls, and hobbyhorses. They rolled hoops and played games like badminton, lawn bowling, and blind man's bluff.