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South African revolution

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South African revolution
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  • South African Revolution
  • Acceptance 
  • Complaining
  • Protest
  • The whites dominated the South African government which lead to non-whites getting fewer education and the Whites and non-whites being segregated socially. Non-africans also had fewer education.
  • Revolution
  • Non-whites complained over the laws that were placed, like non-whites could only get low paying manual work. Africans also made up 75% of the population but were only allowed 13% of the land.
  • Recovery
  • the ANC group fought against apartheid, the members broke apartheid laws. Black children who attended schools didn't like how things were so they started a peaceful protest.
  • Equal education for all
  • Equal education for all
  • Equal education for all
  • Police fired at peaceful protest in sharpeville killing over 60 and wounding more 180. The same thing happened when school children in soweto were protesting and police fired at them killing many kids
  • F.W de clerk had released mandela from prison and then later on Mandela becoming president.Many of the apartheid laws were lifted, like interracial marriages were allowed, Black Africans didn't need special passes to go places.
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