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  •  meal time for Romans was similar to what we have today. The day consisted of ientuculum (breakfast) at dawn, that usually served bread, fruit, and water. Next they had prandium, which was to hold them over for Cena (dinner). Prandium had light foods like bread, vegetables, and maybe meat if you were rich. Cena would be a feast, consisting of porridge made of olive oil, meat, fruit, vegetables, and wine. Ancient Romans diet was affected by the politics at the time, and was constantly changing.
  •  The clothing in ancient Rome consisted usually tunics for both men and women. Men’s to next would be short sleeved and knee length, and women’s would have mid length sleeves with long skirts. Married women would wear a wool sash called a Palla. For special occasions, both men and women would wear togas, which was a fancy drape like piece of fabric they could put over there tunics. Priests and other government officials would wear head dresses as well, accessories and footwear were a big tell of your social status and gender.
  • Theater in ancient Rome started very poor, so they would use wooden frames as props and stages. Men would play all of the parts and were the only ones allowed to be actors, until the Empire age. Lower class people were usually actors, acting only being one step above begging. They would use masks to tell the audience to be happy or sad, however the audience would have live reactions and would usually throw dirt, sticks, fruit, or anything they could at the actors. Theater then became a big part of Roman society and famous plays were written throughout the world!
  •  Romans took the idea of education from Greek life, and started schooling boys only at the age of seven. They would learn math, literature, Greek, and military training. When they got older they would perfect how to read and write, and the most crucial part of their learning was public speaking. Most were trained to go into politics because it was very high paid. Boys were often beaten at school to initiate fear.
  •  The Romans main source of religion was mythology, as well as worshiping spirits called Numina. The Romans would dedicate their lives as a duty to serve their Greek gods and goddesses, and would often have favorites and throw parties in honor of them. They would make identical statues or wax replicas of the gods, and worship and sacrifice to those. Romans were typically very logical and practical, but when it came to religion they had a far-fetched and lighthearted view of what they believed.
  • A typical Roman family would consist of a ‘Pater Familia’. The man of the house called would be in complete control of the rest of the family, and A typical Roman family would consist of a ‘Pater Familia’. The man of the house called would be in complete control of the rest of the family, and could do or treat them however he wanted. The wife would usually be in control of housekeeping and managing the household activities, however the wealthy women would have servants to do the cooking and the cleaning. The suns would go to school at age 7 and be taught by the father at home how to achieve a high pay job, as well as how to socially communicate and train for a war. The daughters were never offered education and would be taught all growing up how to raise a proper household and cook and clean by the mothers . The slaves were not defined by any race, just social class. They were typically treated as part of the family, and eventually could buy their freedom which would lead to them getting an allowance every week from their old master.
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