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13 Colonies

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13 Colonies
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  • Mrs. Natalie, what were the 13 Colonies?
  • Okay kids now that we reviewed the Columbian Exchange, we'll talk about the 13 Colonies.
  • Let's travel to the past! First, I'll start by telling you that the 13 colonies are Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvanna, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.
  • I will just resume everything to you... class is almost over!Basically, this was to escape religious persecution in England.The Middle colonies like Delaware, New York, and New Jersey were used as trade centers. Additionally, Pennsylvania was founded as a safe haven for Quakers.Breadbasket colonies had a fertile soil for farming. Which was really good.
  • That's interesting!
  • Very good James! Good fact.
  • Mrs. Natalie, I know something about the demographics in the colonies! This atracted Puritan families and European immigrants from Germany, Scots - Irish, French, Swedes and English.
  • So kids, the economics in those times were all based in the environment. The New England colonies had rocky soil which was not good at all for farming, so they turned to fishing, lumbering and subsistence farming since they were closer to rivers.
  • The Mayflower compact, was an early form of self government. This allowed male members of Puritan church participate in the government. Then, colonies are under the British crown! Which was a very democratic move.
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