I became a priest because my father was one and I studied very well at school.
Hi, my name is Abrax, I am a sempriest and I mummify late Pharos. I live in the year 2000 bce. Today a pharo died, so I will be mummifying him
I had to take out all the organs, coat the body in man layers of oils and wrap them to dry. It takes a very long time to get everything done correctly.
After 70 days I am done with the mummification process. I had to learn human anatomy for a long time to be able to do this.
If we don’t give them gold and other valuables they will not be able to pay their way to the afterlife and would be stuck forever.
We then put the mummified body in a tomb.
We all pray for their passage to becoming a god.
This is my family, my wife farms while also taking care of our 3 children. Only my son can go to school because he’s a boy. My other 3 kids died.
My son will also become a priest when he’s of age. We eat a lot of grains and some meat.
For fun, I like to go fishing in the Nile river. It takes a lot of patients to catch them.
We believe in many gods, we do sacrifices and pray to them
I mistreat my wife, she is lower than me and my word is the most absolute in this house. Our 3 other children died, ur the rest survived