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Cartoon Strip on Origin of Life and Cell Evolution

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Cartoon Strip on Origin of Life and Cell Evolution
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  • I heard we were going to be learning about how life formed on Earth today!
  • We are going to be learning about the RNA world hypothesis and the cell evolution in biology today! I can't wait!
  • We already know about the early Earth conditions! It had really less gases in the atmosphere. The ocean was present along with the process of condesation as well.
  • There also might have been thunderstorms, hence lightning must have been present as well. The few types of gases that might have been present were H2O, CH4, NH3, and H2
  • And Stanley Miller and his professor found that it was true! Organic componets are able to be formed through inorganic components.
  • We also have learned about the Miller Urey experiment already! The early Earth conditions were mocked in an experiment in order to test if molecules can develop from simple compounds
  • That's great that you remember from last class about the experiments! This experiment actually directly relates with the RNA world hypothesis. The RNA world hypothesis is that before the living cells were created, the genetic code and the gene or protein cycle ever existed, chains of RNA were able to form naturally.
  • The results of the Millery Urey experiment was that there were amino acids found in the water after observing for 10 days. This shows that RNA could be formed naturally without any scientific modification that is done by humans. Thus, the RNA world hypothesis and the Miller Urey experiment go hand in hand.
  • Also please pull up the homework on the endosymbiosis hypothesis you did yesterday for homework on your chromebooks!
  • The Cell Evolution : Cells were transformed from Prokaryotes to Eukaryotes. The Endosymbiosis hypothesis supports this. It states that a prokaryote ingested a couple of aerobic bacteria. The cell protected these and produced energy from it as well. Over time, these aerobic bacteria had transformed into mitochondria. The Prokaryote engulfed many more bacteria and soon both the bacteria living inside the prokaryote and the the one on the outside started to benefit from this arrangement. As this cell replicates, the bacterium that is present on the inside is passed on from generation to generation.
  • After looking over homework...
  • Everyone did really well! You were all missing just one part: the evidence. Some of the organelles have double membranes. Some of them are suspectible to antibiotics. The cell division occurs through a fission like process. It has it's own DNA which is like the prokaryotic structure. And finally, they have ribosomes which are identical to prokaryotic ribosomes. Including these specific evidence pieces are important in order to earn the points on a test! That's it for class today! Thank you, have a great weekend!
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