Excuse me class! I have just been told their is a new rule starting today at this school. You have to go to one place of warship once a week or else you will be asked to leave this school.
Hey! I have an idea, why don't you go to court and testify against your school! Then you won't have to leave!!
OH NO! What am I going to do? I don't practice any religion! I can't get kicked out!!
Yeah, that's a great idea! My dad's a lawyer, I could totally ask him to help you!
Excuse me class! I have just been told their is a new rule starting today at this school. You have to go to one place of warship once a week or else you will be asked to leave this school.
And how is that so?
My constitutional rights have been violated!
See, there is no constitutional law stating you have to support a religion. Therefore, the school can not kick Elsa out.