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English Civil War Storyboard Cartoon

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English Civil War Storyboard Cartoon
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  • Unpopularity of Charles I
  • Petition of Rights is a great idea!
  • We aren't very fond of you as king!
  • Civil War
  • Overthrown of Charles I
  • The Unpopularity of Charles I became a thing because he agreed with the Petition of Rights that the Parliament passed. He later ignored it because he realized that it put limits to his power as king. Many people were mad because of his non-parliamentary use of medieval laws to raise money.
  • Restoration of the Stuart Monarchy
  • is that him? our KIng
  • England slipped into a Civil War in 1642 between the supporters of the King (the Cavaliers or Royalist) and the Parliament forces (the Round Heads). The main reason of the Civil War was because of the disagreements about religion and discontent over the king's use of power and his economic polices. The Parliament was proven victorious due to the New Model Army of Oliver Cromwell who was a military genius.
  • Glorious Revolution
  • we shall invade England.
  • Charles I actions frustrated his Parliament, which resulted in the English Civil War, which led to his execution in 1649. He married a Catholic Princess, Henrietta Maria, in his first year of reign. He dissolved Parliament when he was faced with opposition effectively ruling alone on multiple occasions. He lost support over public welfare issues which were, imposition of drainage schemes in the Fens. Both him and his father believed in the divine right of kings, which meant that they thought as king they were above the law and were chosen by god.
  • English Bill of Rights
  • It was known as the Restoration period but that didn't mean that the work of the English Revolution was undone. Parliament had passed a Test Act, specifying that only Anglicans (members of the Church of England) could hold military and civil offices. On Charles II deathbed he decided to convert to Catholicism. After he died without a son James II became king in 1685.
  • James ll is our king.
  • i am king now
  • A group of English Nobles invited William of Orange to invade England. William was informed that most of the Kingdom's people needed change. The Glorious Revolution was permanently established as a Parliament that was ruling the power of England. The result of the revolution was was the English Bill of Rights that established England as a constitutional rather than absolute monarchy and served as the model for the U.S. Bill of Rights.
  • England this way.---
  • The English Bill of Rights helped create a system of government based on the rule of law and freely elected Parliament. The purpose of it was to set up a new way of governing after they removed James II. The rule of laws hold that all people are subject to all the same laws even the kings and queens. It also limits the power of monarchs and forces them make decisions that obey the laws of their state. The bill laid the foundation for limited. or constitutional, monarchy.
  • why should we agree.
  • English Bill of Rights.
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