The powers and abilities that Black panther got is the strength of the black panther when his father died he became king of wakanda.
Trials/Difficulties faced
Black panthers call to adventure was that he had to face against his cousin in a challenge for the thrown of wakanda.
Supreme Ordeal (Major Conflict)
The Black Panthers support/mentor/allie is Zuri he was the friend of the uncle of the black panther which was killed by the black panther's father.
Flight/Master/Lesson Learned
The trials/difficulties that the black panther faced were that he was in a coma after he lost against his cousin for the throne and he had trouble waking up.
The major conflict of this story is that the black panther had to go against his cousin again to redeem himself as a king of wakanda.
The flight/master/lesson learned s that the black panther got his throne back as the king and got to have everything back to normal.