Charity is friends with a young boy named Phineas T Barnum. Her parents dislike him because he is poor, but soon she goes with phineas to live in new york city.
Never Enough
Barnum and Phillip meet in a bar to discuss the show. Barnum wants him to go with the show as a financial manager but Phillip thinks the risk is more than the reward. But, they finally come to an agreement giving Phillip 10% cut.
From Now On
Anne and Phillip love each other but know that since she is a different race she will be treated differently by his family and by other people. But phillip does not let that get in the way.
The greatest show
Jenny lind performs with P.T. barnums circus about how all the fame she gets is not enough, and that she just wants real love. After the show Jenny kissses Barnum and it is in all the newspapers.
After the building that they used for the circus burned down, Barnum realized that he needed to see the people who work for him more as people and less as employees. But, Phillip finds a spot of land near the docks that they rented for the show. They put a tent up there.
After getting a tent for the circus, they realize that nothing can stop them and they perform one of their best shows.
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