Kaptan and Maguayan mourned for their grandchildren and decided to give them eternal glimmer.
Alright, then. That's a relief to hear.
Let's grant them everlasting light to relive their presence in some way.
- a bamboo tree grew and a man (silalak) and woman (sikabay) emereged from it- their children were Libo, Saman, and Pandugan who was cunning
- Pandaguan made traps and caught a large fish that he incited the people to worship but got reprimanded by the gods for it- he talked back and the gods pusnished him by stiking his body with a thunderbolt
I caught a fish as large as you. From now on, we shall worship this one.
You must not worship anything other than ourselves! For this, you must all bear punishment!
- they scattered them all over earth- the descendants of Pandaguan had dark skin color and the descendants of Libo and Saman had brown skin color who were scattered across the south
Lisuga worried where her brothers were, but she ran into Kaptan, who is driven with fury. Figuring she was also a member of the revolt,Katpan blasted her frame with lightning, and it shattered into several bits.