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  • Silo escapes the Pentagon and notices a plant that is slowly disintegrating into the soil ahead of him. He does not know that the plant is releasing its energy as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • Whew! I've finally escaped that horrid place... ugh! What's that smell! This planet sure is different from planet yorpgorp.
  • Makayla notices the alien from a distance and she stands there quietly waiting for the alien to leave.
  • The shrub gets carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the mouse gets carbon dioxide from the plant.
  • Gorp! You must be from here! My name is silo I'm a fellow alien from planet yorpgorp. What is this putrid smell!
  • There is a mouse running towards the shrub in the back to eat on it. The mouse startles Silo at first but then he realizes that the mouse doesn't want him.
  • Silo notices Makayla and immediately introduces himself to her
  • Makayla explains to silo what he is smelling.
  • You're from yorpgorp right? What you're smelling is a dead animal in it's decomposing state. The earths atmosphere is a little different from yorpgorp.
  • WHen an animal decomposes the nutrients and carbon dioxide that it releases goes back into the atmosphere.
  • Makayla explained how she lost her great-grandmother this year and she explains how it all ties to the carbon cycle.
  • Makayla and Silo arrive at the Cemetary and Makayla begins to explain more about the atmosphere
  • Before my grandmother passed away she had a kale salad. As she is in her casket her remains start to decompose in the casket and those nutrients are then released back into the earth's soil and some parts of the atmosphere
  • Lauren Harbor1927- 2021
  • As Makayla is explaining the carbon cycle to Silo, he starts to open up his eyes and realize that everything that is released in the atmosphere is all apart of respiration.
  • Respiration is a process in which living organisms intake oxygen in release of carbon dioxide. Right now we are taking part in respiration because we release carbon dioxide when we breathe.
  • After Makayla explains what respiration is Silo is starting to understand how the Earth uses the carbon cycle to gain its energy.
  • Bleep blorp! Thank you for the florptastical info Makayla! Now when I smell that awful smell I will know that the earth is just getting its energy back.
  • With the transfer of the oxygen we breathe and the decomposed plant and animal material being brought back into the atmosphere, the carbon dioxide is still being passed around by the animals who use carbon dioxide by releasing the air back into the ocean which then seeps down into deeper level and is absorbed by the rocks and sediment.
  • It's a cycle that repeats as a balance that every source of life needs which in that case is energy and it helps them stay alive to continue the circle of life.
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