We have beaten Hardrada, now all that's left is William.
Men, let's get to work and fortify this area. It'll help in the battle.
Already at it My Highness!
A long while later
Men! Chaaaaaarrrge
Ha, a shield wall, lets see what those Normans think of that!
King William is dead! We need to run!
Recent successor of the throne, Harold Godwinson, has just won a battle between Harald Hardrada, claimant to the throne. He now is marching his army south to face William the Conqueror.
Haha! Who knew it could be so easy to win a battle!
Let's get 'em!!!!!
William has already got to Calbec Hill where the fight will commence. He gets to work by fortifying the area. William is convinced he has to win the battle as he thinks he is the rightful claimant to the throne.
Harold Godwinson and his army has reached Calbec Hill. He quickly orders his men to form a shield wall. William order his men to charge. The Anglo - Saxons fight the Normans off with battleaxes. The Battle of Hastings has begun!
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