How come you didn't come, that event is important to me! You are always busy and yo don't have time for me!
No! I don't want to hear any more from you!
I'm sorry dear I just got caught up wit my work and I had forgot about it. Let me make up with you--
What have I done, I shouldn't have shouted to mom like that. The look on her face awhile ago pained me. 
I spend the whole night crying over what happened. I can't bear to see the sadness in my mom's eyes
Well, that was the day that me and my mom got into a huge fight and it is also the day were I have done a very heavy sin, which is talking back at her
For days mom didn't talked to me
Mom, what's for dinner?
Mom, I am so sorry for shouting at you. Please forgive me mom.
Oh sweetheart, I forgive you, and I am also sorry for not giving you enough time.
I  said sorry to mom which she accepted. And I started to understand that at times mom cannot be with me because she needs to provide for the family that made me appreciate all her efforts
That situation had me realizing that I really did something bad and I started to repent on it. 
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