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  • Hi our names are Moses and Joshua. Today we are going to learn about Judaism.
  • Judaism has 3 significant aspects. They are monotheism, ethics, and covenant.
  • Monotheism is the belief in only one God. They believed that God created each person in his own image
  • Ethics are ideas of right or wrong. Jewish people believed that God wanted to act on ethics. These teachings became Judaism. These ethics can also be found in The Old Testament. These are ethics are taught by Rabbi's.
  • Covenant is when someone talks to and his an agreement.
  • Another fact in The Torah there is a man named Abraham. Abraham had a covenant with God about The Land of Covenant also known as The Promised Land. This is very important in Judaism. The Torah is also apart of The Hebrew Bible.
  • Another important fact is The Diaspora.
  • The Diaspora were communities of Jewish people living outside of their ancient homeland. This happened because of The Babylonian Exile. This also caused Judaism to spread more.
  • These three significant aspects of Judaism are still significant today. These three significant also shaped a lot of the world today. For example you can see ethics be used when countries make laws.
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