Setting: The world has not begun and the only things there is fresh water and sweet water, Tiamat and Apsu.
H2O is water, but what is H204?Swimming and drinking obviously!
Rising Action: Apsu and Tiamat have children and their children have children leading up to Ea and his brothers.
Well don't look at me.
I wonder where he gets it from.
What did the ocean say to the other ocean?Nothing it just waved!
Rising Action: Ea and his brothers are causing a ruckus and Tiamat and Apsu are not happy, so Apsu plans to kill Ea but Ea hears about his plans so he kills Apsu first and then war breaks out.
How do octopi come to war?Well Armed!Sorry it just felt like the right time.
Right now? were in the middle of a war!
Climax: Ea and Damkina create Marduk and make a deal that Marduk would win the war for them and then he would be the ruler of all creation. So Tiamat turned into a dragon and started to roar but Marduk cast a hurricane inside of Tiamat's mouth and then shot an arrow through her.
I can do literally everything, but there is no way of saving us from those puns.
What was the oceans hair like? Wavy!
Falling Action: Marduk made the world and all the animals. So the world wouldn't just be water.
Resolution: Marduk decided that the gods and goddesses shouldn't be the ones caring for the earth so he made humans to take on that responsibility.