Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.
Mahatma Gandhi was a citizen who practiced Satyagraha (non-violence activism) was tired of the British colonialism. He organized a march of civil disobedience and the desire to remove British control from India in 1930. The march started on March 12th with 80 people and lasted 24 days. On May 5th there were tens and thousands of Indians marching with him.
When Gandhi and his followers got to their destination, they followed Gandhi in making salt at the ocean, defying British Law. Gandhi himself and about 80,000 other Indians were thrown in jail for this punishment of breaking the Salt law.
India is granted their independence in 1947
The march went on after Gandhi was arrested on May 5th 1930 and was released in January 1931. India finally got their independence that they wanted in 1947. Gandhi was assassinated on January 30th 1948 and still leaves a positive image on generations today.
Gandhi inspired and shaped many leaders that we have had and we do have in today's society. The Salt march was an act of non-violence activism and rests with many as India has their freedom.