may heaven bless this holy marriage and allow nothing to happen that fills us with regret.
onces where are married, then love-devouring death can do what it likes i'll die happy because i was able to say that she was mine.
amen whatever happens in the future, no sorrow can outweigh the joy i feel from one single minute in her company
voilent delights can lead to violient ends. its like fire gunpowder- when they come together they make a bright flash, but the afterwards they are both consumed.
delicouse honey can ruin your appetitle. the secret of a long and happy relashionship is pace, too fast is just as bad as too slow.
here comes juliet. how lightly she glides over the ground. lovers can do that-they can stand on the silk thread of spidrweb and not breakit. thats hoe delicate and light love is.
good evenung spititual confessor
and ill great him just as eagerly.
romeo will great us both, dear daughter.
the holy church shall not make you wait any longer to be man and wife
come come with me and we will quickly perfrom the ceronmony.
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