On Mount Olympus a decadent wedding feast was held and all the gods were invited
Unfortunately, the goddess of discord, Eris, was mistakenly left off the guestlist. Angered by the oversight, Eris sought revenge. She appeared at the party and rolled a golden apple amongst the party guests. Upon the golden apple was written, “To the Fairest.” Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite.
Hermes chose the beautiful young mortal Paris, who was the son of Priam, the king of Troy. Paris chose Aphrodite who rewarded her judge by promising him the most beautiful woman on earth, whom everyone knew to be Helen, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus.
Paris visited the palace of Menelaus at Sparta. Contrary to all the sacred rules of hospitality, Paris seduced the queen and abducted her back to Troy. The theft of Helen was an act of outrage which invoked the oath of Tyndareus, requiring the united powers of the Greeks to avenge the wounded honor of Menelaus and retrieve Helen.
The Greeks traveled to Troy and for nearly ten years, the Greeks unsuccessfully besieged Troy in the Trojan War. Finally, the Greek warrior, Odysseus, had the idea to build a large wooden horse, known as the Trojan Horse. The Greeks hid warriors inside the horse and left it at the gate of Troy
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